1. Leadership: A young quarterback needs to exhibit strong leadership skills. They should be able to motivate and guide their teammates, both on and off the field.
  2. Confidence: Confidence in their abilities and decisions is crucial. A quarterback must believe in their own skills and inspire confidence in their teammates.
  3. Composure: The ability to stay calm under pressure is essential. They should be able to think clearly and make decisions quickly, even when the game is on the line.
  4. Work Ethic: A strong work ethic and dedication to improving their skills through practice and training are vital for a quarterback.
  5. Responsibility: Taking ownership of their actions, both good and bad, helps build trust with coaches and teammates.

Skills of a Youth Football Quarterback

  1. Throwing Accuracy: Precision in passing is a fundamental skill for a quarterback. They need to be able to hit their targets consistently.
  2. Arm Strength: A quarterback should have the ability to throw the ball with enough force to cover long distances when necessary.
  3. Footwork: Good footwork is essential for avoiding sacks, setting up passes, and executing plays.
  4. Decision-Making: The ability to read defenses, anticipate plays, and make quick, strategic decisions is crucial.
  5. Field Vision: A quarterback needs to see the entire field and understand the positioning of all players to make the best play choices.

Physical Attributes of a Youth Football Quarterback

  1. Height: While not essential, height can be an advantage as it helps with field vision and passing over defenders.
  2. Agility: Quickness and the ability to change direction rapidly are important for evading defenders.
  3. Strength: Both upper and lower body strength are important for throwing power and withstanding tackles.
  4. Stamina: A good level of cardiovascular fitness is needed to maintain performance throughout the game.
  5. Hand-Eye Coordination: Essential for accurate passing and catching snaps from the center.

Mental Attributes of a Youth Football Quarterback

  1. Football IQ: Understanding the rules, strategies, and tactics of the game is critical.
  2. Focus: The ability to concentrate on the game plan and remain focused despite distractions is important.
  3. Resilience: The mental toughness to recover from mistakes and setbacks during a game is crucial.
  4. Analytical Skills: The capacity to analyze the opposing team’s defense and adapt plays accordingly.
  5. Memory: Remembering plays, routes, and defensive setups is key for quick and effective decision-making.

What to Look for When a Young Player 8-14 Has Never Played the Game

  1. Interest and Enthusiasm: A genuine interest in the game and enthusiasm for playing are great indicators of potential.
  2. Athleticism: Basic athletic skills such as running, jumping, and coordination can be a good foundation.
  3. Coachability: The willingness to listen, learn, and apply coaching advice is essential for development.
  4. Team Spirit: An inclination to work well with others and support teammates is a positive sign.
  5. Curiosity: Asking questions about the game and showing a desire to understand it better indicates a keen learner.
  6. Natural Leadership: Even off the field, kids who naturally take charge or help organize activities may have the leadership qualities needed for a quarterback.
  7. Problem-Solving Skills: Kids who are good at solving puzzles or figuring out strategies in other areas may have the mental acuity for quarterbacking.

By observing these traits and skills, coaches and parents can help identify and nurture young players who have the potential to excel as quarterbacks in youth football.

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